Sustainability as part of our business

HUB logistics vastuullisuus

We have quite a year behind us. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected society as a whole. At the beginning of last year, many certainly had no idea how much the pandemic would change our daily lives.

Last year’s events elevate sustainability to a whole new level. How do we take care of employees, their health and ability to cope in the event of a prolonged exceptional situation? How do we ensure the continuity of the company’s operations in the event of exceptional situations? The adjustment of operations and the continuous assessment of the situation became part of the daily activities of many companies during 2020. Uncertainty about the future marked everything we were doing, especially in the early days of the pandemic.

In the early stages of the pandemic, we created numerous preventive measures and contingency plans for business activities. Our primary goal was to prevent the spread of the virus and to take care of the health of our employees.

The pandemic also affected HUB’s business. During the spring of 2020, our Group held co-operation negotiations as a precaution against the effects of the coronavirus. We sought solutions to adjust operations through layoffs and various working hours and work arrangements.

During the exceptional year, we also experienced successes and we developed in the field of sustainability. Over the past year, we have successfully acquired three new customers. The refinement of processes and the integration of systems with customers remotely were successfully completed. The number of accidents at work has been declining for several years, and last year was an accident-free year at the Hakkila logistics center. In terms of environmental sustainability, our employees came up with ideas to help us reduce waste and emissions. All fine ideas which show us that we are on the right path to sustainability.

In exceptional situations, community spirit, and consideration for and appreciation of others are more important than ever. Fortunately, these things have been in HUB’s values and part of the entire company’s core for years. I am proud of how well our employees have coped in the midst of uncertainty, adapting to new recommendations, regulations and guidelines. The pandemic year has highlighted the importance of a sound work community and community spirit in working life. Together we are truly stronger and capable of great achievements by encouraging and valuing others.

Joni Sundelin

HUB logistics CEO

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