Account Manager Kaarlo Duwaldt to strengthen Hakkila logistics center organization

Asiakaspäällikkö Kaarlo Duwaldt

Account manager Kaarlo Duwaldt strengthens the organization of Hakkila logistics center in Vantaa. The multi-specialist in logistics takes over the warehouse’s new customer and acts as the team leader of the customer service team.

Kaarlo Duwaldt has accumulated work experience in many fields, but clearly most of the tasks have been related to logistics. He was only 18 years old, when he found his first job in the logistics industry as a warehouse worker. For the past four years, before moving to HUB, he worked as a foreman in a wholesale warehouse.

– The new position as Account manager is very interesting. My previous work experience will certainly support my success in the position. For example, as a foreman, I encountered situations where problem solving skills and also customer service skills were needed. I feel that these will be useful to me in my new position. My strength is also that I have done a variety of tasks in the logistics sector, and I know the operating environment.

The first weeks at HUB are spent learning new things. Familiarity with production and processes in particular are high on Kaarlo’s priority.

– Account manager’s job is to hold the strings and act as an intermediary between the company and its customers. Account manager is responsible for maintaining, developing and strengthening customer relationships. In this case, grassroots knowledge is important. I actively go to production to watch and learn so that I can communicate with our customers. It’s hard to do customer cooperation if you don’t know the operation properly.

Understanding customer needs play a key role

In Kaarlo’s opinion, strong customer relationships promote customer loyalty and the account manager can contribute to building trust and ensure that customers are satisfied with the quality of the service.

– Understanding customer needs is key to success in the task. I have to be well informed about our customers’ needs and expectations, so that in my role I can communicate these forward to production.

– I feel that the role of a customer manager in a production environment is not only a part of business, but it is a strategic approach to managing customer relationships and guaranteeing business success. It’s more than just a to-do list. I’m looking forward to what’s to come.

The modern multi-customer warehouse impresses both employees and customers

Kaarlo values ​​HUB’s expertise and ability to develop in an ever-changing operating environment.

– HUB offers high-quality and reliable service to its customers. The logistics industry is constantly changing, but HUB is on the cutting edge of new technologies and operating methods. Hakkila’s logistics center is really impressive. Yes, it makes an impression on both our employees and our customers. It’s great to be able to work in a modern, multi-customer warehouse that utilizes automation at the forefront.

The community atmosphere in the logistics center has been convincing since the first days.

– HUB has a good working atmosphere and I have been included very well as a new employee. I believe that the employees’ good mutual atmosphere is also reflected outwardly to our customers. At first glance, I would say that you can get high-quality logistics from us with a relaxed attitude.


Welcome to the HUB team Kaarlo!


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