Daily management brings efficiency to logistics processes

Daily management brings efficiency

Our Development Manager Mikko Heinilä started at HUB logistics four months ago. He brought with him the daily management culture. Daily management has been taken into use in our Hämeenlinna unit for internal logistics first. Within a month, the new operating model has become part of the everyday life of the employees in Hämeenlinna and in a short time it has brought more knowledge and improved the flow of information.

In short, daily management means the daily review and monitoring of matters that are relevant to operations. The issues to be monitored arise directly from the unit’s operations and are based on defined KPIs, which in the logistics sector can be, for example, delivery reliability or packaging punctuality. “The daily meeting is an excellent channel for employees to highlight their observations, successes, deviations and potential challenges,” says Mikko Heinilä, the initiator of the daily management project.

The design phase of the management model lasted about a month, after which the daily management boards and the daily meeting were introduced. Mikko prepared and laid the foundation for the daily management boards, which are an important visual tool. Mikko trained the employees in the use of the boards, ensuring that the unit has adequate prerequisites for the introduction of daily management.

In Hämeenlinna, people gather every day at 9 am by the daily management boards and go through the pre-determined issues in a concise meeting lasting 5 to 10 minutes. Topics to be monitored included indicators related to delivery capacity, occupational safety observations, 5S indicators and ongoing development projects.

Efficiency in logistics processes by improving the information flow

A short daily meeting improves the flow of information and ensures that important information is passed on to every employee. Transparency and more efficient information flow thus become real benefits of daily management.

“Metrics based on customer promise and things specified on the meeting board guide us to focus on the essentials. The daily meeting also ensures that the potential challenges of everyday activities come to the fore more easily when time is set aside for them each day. In this way, they can also be solved more agilely,” Heinilä sums up.

Daily management benefits us as well as the customer

Observations are highlighted and the person in charge and the schedule for resolving any problems are determined around the management board. The operating model was perceived to work very quickly and was welcome. “Right in the first week we realized that this is genuinely beneficial. The management boards clearly show what is happening and resources are directed to the right place. The daily meeting has also increased transparency and interaction.” The Hämeenlinna unit is praised for a job well done.

A clear operating model brings efficiency and helps to achieve goals. Production processes become more efficient and daily work is easier. This serves both us and the customer.

Read also:
Efficiency of logistics with agile model 

Analysing work tasks and processes through work study 

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